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Environmental Home Swaps that Increase Home Value

Posted by merlot on April 22, 2022

Environmental Home Swaps that Increase Home Value

Environmental Home Swaps that Increase Home Value

Happy Earth Day (April 22)! In honour of Earth Day we decided to share some Environmental Home Swaps that increase home value. So dear reader, if you are considering renovating your home before you ultimately list it you may want to look at windows & doors, energy-efficient heating systems, and smart technology — which are all environmental home swaps that increase home value!

Windows & Doors

Of course windows and doors are important to any home, but they can also increase home value. Ensuring you are installing energy-efficient windows that are well-sealed and insulated is crucial for saving money on heating and cooling. If your windows are old, damaged or not well insulated then your hydro bill may reflect that. Windows also provide light, having nice natural light, or showcasing your lovely view will increase home value. In addition, your entryway door gives prospective buyers the first impression, you want to ensure it’s a good first impression. Your entry doors need to be in working condition, which means providing security – the locks and doorbell need to work. You don’t NEED to have a fancy security system, but it definitely adds value to your home. Coupled with, a good door will ensure your home is well insulated keeping out drafts and keeping heating costs low for prospective buyers. If you are looking at getting a new door, something that goes with the architecture of the home and colour pallet is important. Homes & Gardens shares some top doors and colours to help you decide, and according to Home Advisor & Zillow’s paint colour analysis, the top door colour for resale value is Black.

Energy-efficient heating systems

Speaking of Heating, a smart thermostat to monitor your home’s energy consumption would be a great environmental home swap that increases home value. Be sure to check out Enbridge to see what rebates are being offered and if you are eligible. We are also seeing heated floors become quite popular in new builds and we are seeing them more often with resale homes. If you have baseboard heaters or forced-air and are already renovating your flooring, consider adding heated floors! On the other hand, this next one is a luxurious heating system I haven’t seen very much: radiant heating panels. Radiant ceiling panels use the same technology to direct heat from above. All of these different heating systems are energy-efficient home upgrades that definitely add a sense of luxury, comfort and increase home value.

Smart Technology

A DIY-friendly environmental home swap that will increase home value is having LED lighting throughout your property. LED lighting is a great energy-efficient swap, and will offer years worth of light sourcing. In addition, swapping out your old appliances like your washer/dryer, dishwasher and refrigerator to Energy Star products not only increases home value but there are also certain tax rebates that you can get back! WIN-WIN! Be sure to check out the other rebates available to you if you decide to go more energy-efficient – you can read more by clicking here.

With rising gas prices, and advancing technology we are seeing more people purchasing hybrid or electrical vehicles. Electrical vehicle charging points in your garage will certainly add value to your home when it comes to the right home buyer.

Dear reader, I hope that these environmental home swaps that will increase home value have helped your decisions in making your home a bit greener and your bills a bit cheaper leading up to the sale of your home. If you are looking at selling your home in the near future and are looking for a real estate agent in The Blue Mountains area, visit my services and contact me today to get started! Want to read more blogs like this? Read my blog: 5 Projects to Add Value to your Home!

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