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Unavoidable New Build Delays

Posted by merlot on October 13, 2022

Unavoidable New Build Delays

Unavoidable New Build DelaysDear reader, you are thinking about purchasing a new build home, or are one of my clients who have already purchased in a new development and are waiting for construction to either begin or conclude so you can move inā€¦ here is what you need to know about unavoidable new build delays!

Tarion Statement of Critical Dates

When you write an offer on pre-constuction home or condo you are given the Tarion statement of critical dates (I have a whole other blog on this topic – read it here) that outlines the date of expected Occupancy. Having said that you may receive a notice from your builder citing ā€œUnavoidable delaysā€. This was used many times over the past 2.5 years due to COVID19.

COVID19ā€™s Affect on New Builds

When Canada initially went into lockdown for COVID19 this caused trades to cut back on working together and they began going in one or two at a time which slowed the entire new build process to a snail’s pace. Imagine typically a few trades being able to go in: electric, plumber and drywallers could all work together but with the lockdown, and now with various COVID19 protocols all had to respectfully wait out their turn to work on the home/condo.

Supply Chain Affects on New Builds

As if COVID19 didnā€™t put a big enough impact on the new build process, then came the supply chain issues and shortages (of supplies and labour). Then this past spring 2022 we were again given notice of unavoidable new build delays due to trade strikes. All these contribute to delayed occupancy that is truly unavoidable. Check out Tarions FAQ section for delayed closing.Ā No builder I know wants to take 3 years to build out their development as the longer they don’t close or get paid, the more money they may lose out on.

So dear reader, unavoidable new build delays have been a fixture for the last 2.5 years but as the economy gets rolling with more supplies, more workers and once all the strikes are over, things will get better. Until then, be patient and kind, your new home will be worth the wait! Trust me, the builders I know are stressing out just as much as you are and they want you in your new home! Questions about new developments? Interested in buying or selling? Contact me today!

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