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New Developments in Meaford: Fall Update 2022

Posted by merlot on November 18, 2022

New Developments in Meaford: Fall Update 2022

Meaford New Developments Fall 2022 UpdateIt has been a busy couple of weeks with the fall real estate market. Lots of new listings, and home sales as we head into my busy season. We recently shared a video update for Fall 2022 on New Developments in Meaford, and now it is time we talk about it more in depth in our blog to share with our wonderful readers. So, lets dig into New Developments in Meaford: Fall update 2022. 


If you haven’t had a chance to read our first blog on New Developments Coming Soon: Meaford, you can do so by clicking here. Reading our older blog will be helpful for you if you don’t know much about Meaford and want to get a better sense of the area. This blog is a continuation, building off that previous blog as we will be summarizing the new developments updates below!  

Knights Harbour – Skydevco Inc. Waterfront Redevelopment

Located on the corner of Fuller Street and Boucher Street East will be the location of Knights Harbour Redevelopment. As we had previously mentioned in our last blog, it will be mixed-use. The Municipality of Meaford shares it will have “78 hotel units, 21 two-storey townhouse units, 88 waterfront townhouse units, and 60 apartment units. This results in a site-wide total of 169 residential units where 206 units were previously proposed.” Its status is currently under appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal, waiting on lifting and holding provisions.

Georgian Bay Harbour Ltd.

This is new addition to the New Developments in Meaford that we hadn’t previously discussed. Centrally located at 37 Trowbridge Street East, right by the new Meaford Library in the heart of Downtown will be the location of the Georgian Bay Harbour Residential Development. The Municipality of Meaford shares “Five-storey residential development including residential apartment units and underground parking”.  With views of the river, and upper level units having views of the Georgian Bay you are going to want one of these 160 units. The status is currently that applications are in progress, and currently under appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal. 

Collingwood Street

We finally have some more information on this New Development taking over Collingwood Street in Meaford (12-34 Collingwood Street to be specific), the development name is “Collingwood Street Mixed Use Development”. The Municipality of Meaford shares “Mixed-use of apartments, ground floor commercial and townhomes. Proposed plan of condominium. The application is a revision of an earlier concept known as fie: Z02-2016). Proposal also requires a Site Plan Approval application and a Heritage Permit application”. The status as of Fall 2022 is that Collingwood Street Development has been approved with conditions. A couple images have been shared in their Planning Report and Concept Plan which I will share the images below:

Loon Call – Gates of Meaford

Again,  we have more information to share on this Meaford New Development which is located at 206105 Highway 26. Status is that the application has been approved, and the Loon Call Subdivision should have 249 approved units! Boots on the ground, I can confirm that the land is currently being cleared. For the other developments, if you are interested you can sign up on my website to get more info on Meaford Developments and put on my preferred client list if you let me know what construction project you are interested in. EXCEPT for Loon Call because it is very specific that you will have to be local, and have a specific income level. You can sign up here!

We will share an image below of the upcoming phases of development and planting notes from the Loon Call Concept Plan:

Meaford Golf Course Phase B – The Fairways

Located on the Meaford Golf Course at 408 Ridge Road is The Fairways. The status currently, for our fall 2022 update is that applications have been approved, there will be 51 units, with 3 different builders: Manorwood Homes, Applevale and Van Strien. The Fairways Shares that these units will be “luxurious Detached Bungalows on 60’+ Lots with depths of up to 120’ and surrounds you with ample green space.” These single detached bungalows will be starting at just under a million, depending on lot dimensions and model home. Boots on the ground, the lots are cleared, levelled and services seem to be put in. Registration is currently open, so if you are interested get on my preferred client list today by contacting us & letting us know you are interested in the Meaford Golf Course. We will share an image provided by the Municipality of Meaford:

Fairways Meaford Golf Course Phase B Development PlansGeorgian Bay Terrace – The Legion

Located at 1 Legion Road in Meaford is the Georgian Bay Terrace new Development. Please note, the Georgian Bay Terrace Development is 80% sold out. As shared by the Municipality of Meaford these are going to be “Residential Condominium Apartments”.  There will be 122 units. The status on this New Development in Meaford as of Fall 2022 is that zoning has been approved, and site application is currently under review. Developers are waiting on the town for those approvals so they can begin building. Building should begin, as the move-in is slated for May 2024.

We will share below what the updated site plan looks like, along with some gallery/architectural images to get an idea of what the proposed development will look like post-construction: 

Georgian Terrace 1 Legion Meaford Development Site

Watch our video tour & fall Development updates for Meafords new construction projects:


So dear reader, depending on your needs, timeline and budget, if you are interested in a single-detached home, townhome, semi-detached, or condominium, Meaford has many developments upcoming. We hope you enjoyed this quick update to see the New Developments in Meaford: Fall update 2022. Get on our newsletter (sign up here) to stay updated on our new blogs, featured listings, development updates and more! 

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